Reader Comments

Idol Tan Review

by rose ks (2019-01-11)

WHAT TO BUY You need a cream that is natural and free Idol Tan Review of chemicals. She believes some of the additives in cosmetics can cause life threatening diseases so steer clear of parabens. Do yourself a favor and look up each ingredient listed. Don't use mineral oil. If you come across a cream containing Cynergy TK, go for it. Your body will be increasing collagen production in no time at all. Be careful not to fall for all the grandiose claims being made about products that will instantly make you young. If you only have to shmear it on and not do your part it will probably let you down. And if you suspect chemicals, run the other way. Buy a day cream, night cream, cleansing mask and hydrating mask with Cynergy TK and it will come with other antioxidant ingredients. Any company putting this new ingredient in their product will be savvy enough to include the others. Each does their part to insure your body is increasing collagen healthfully.