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by ss Daniel Kamesh kamesh (2019-01-19)

You NutriSleep Review awake in the morning feeling tired as if you never went to sleep. Fortunately, sleep apnea can be diagnosed and treated. A sleep study done in a sleep lab or at home can determine whether you have significant sleep apnea. This will painlessly measure your snoring, blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen levels and number of times you hold your breath. The results are usually quite startling at the number of times people hold their breath, diminished oxygen levels and restless behavior during sleep. Treatment could be as simple as avoiding alcohol, not sleeping on your back, or weight loss. If your condition is severe enough sleeping with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) can be the fix. Sleeping with this quiet bedside machine and mask will eliminate the snoring and gently keep the airway open so you ventilate normally and allow you get a restful night of sleep. Your spouse will also appreciate the peaceful night as well.People who snore may suffer from a throat problem, children with large tonsils and adenoids often snore. In adults, a long palate or uvula can also narrow the throat. This tissue can dangle in the throat and flutter with breathing, causing snoring. Overweight people have bulky neck tissue and often snore too. Other rare causes, such as cysts or tumours, require evaluation by the specialist. When the muscles in the tongue and throat are too relaxed, the tongue falls backwards into the airway, and/or the throat muscles draw in from the sides into the airway, causing snoring and in some cases even obstruction of breathing. This can happen during deep sleep. This can also happen as an effect of alcohol or drugs that cause sleepiness, or from other causes. We snore when the airway tissues vibrate as the air flows to the lungs from our mouth or nose while we breathe. The vibration takes place if the airway (nose, throat or mouth) is blocked or narrowed.During sleep when we inhale, the air enters the airway and passes across the back of the mouth's roof. The point where the upper throat and the tongue meets the uvula and the soft palate, is collapsible, because of which the airway gets blocked or narrowed. Such a blocking hinders the airflow, resulting in the vibration of the uvula and the soft palate that beats against the rear part of the throat. This phenomenon may also lead to the vibration of adenoids and the tonsils. The loudness of the snoring depends on the intensity of the vibration which again depends on the amount of blockage in the airway. Snoring does not take place when one is awake because the throat muscles hold the tissues in place at the rear of the mouth. Sleeping relaxes the muscles and the tissues collapse.