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by ss Daniel Kamesh kamesh (2019-01-24)

Although before ProFlexen Review this visualization, on Wednesday and in Thursday morning, I had already notified the front desk that I was expecting an urgent parcel from the courier service, at about 3.30pm, there's something in me that told me I had to go down to the concierge or the front desk to find out personally if the card had arrived and not just waited in my room for the call. I went to check with the concierge and was directed to see an operator on the other side of the front desk, whom was in charge of all the incoming mails to the hotel. I talked to her and she said she would keep a look out for my mail and informed me once it's arrived. And so instantly I found out that the front desk wouldn't know my mail's arrived and wouldn't call me in my room while I was preparing to go online to attend the mastermind coaching call at 5pm, the phone in my hotel room rang!!! I picked it up with hope and was delighted to receive the operator lady's call telling me that my replacement card's arrived! When I thought of what happened again, it's really amazing how worries didn't help and prayers helped (like what angels always advice), and how by just having clarity and deciding to not let fear rule me and my life, by deciding to live in courage, by committing to release the fear, by trusting the Divine definitely helps when things are for my highest good, that my body and subconscious mind could tap into the inner wisdom of my own being and acted on the relevant actions even though the actions seemed unnecessary.

And of course eventually I manifested the card to come into reality just right in time for me to clear my hotel bills and extend my reservations. The lessons I learned from this entire week are that, in order to be a successful practitioner of cosmic ordering in achieving consistent results, I must not only live in high awareness of the worries and fear of everyday life, I must also have the clarity, willingness and commitment to release them and to live in courage. It's only when I could manage my mind that creates all these worries and fear that I could manage my life and create the high vibrational energy essential for cosmic ordering my desired life and manifest it into form in the real physical world. Usually my focus is on formal business techniques, but I was listening to an audio about letting people know who you are and decided to pass on a little about me to provide you with some perspective on my attitude about success and why it's important. About ten years ago, I used to be on top of the world, I was a very successful businessman and was in demand in my market. I was making a healthy six figure income and actually doing so well that my spouse decided to take time off because we actually did not need the additional income. We had moved to Colorado in a rural town and were anticipating about 10 more years of work for me and then a very early retirement. One day, I was getting ready for work and as I walked out of my home office, I collapsed. We thought it might be a bad reaction to a medicine I had be taking to recover from the flu, but boy were we wrong. After many months with no diagnosis, my day consisted of rolling off the sofa on to floor, crawling to the bathroom and with my wife's aid rolling back on the sofa. I was dying, nobody understood what was wrong with me, but I had gotten so weak that I could barely move.