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Striction BP Formula Review
Professor Ames Dhai
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Striction BP Formula Review
by fiona basil (2021-01-05)
blood pressure is the pressure with which blood acts against the walls of your blood vessels. A beating heart creates pressure when it pumps fresh blood to the organs and tissues of your body, providing oxygen and nutrients. A healthy adults heart beats (shrinks and expands) between 60 to 70 times in a minute. If your heart rate (heart pulse) is higher or lower anytime, that does not necessarily mean you have a medical condition. Since having elevated levels does not “hurt” and usually does not cause any visible changes, it can only be determined by measurement. Beats per minute value can vary depending on many factors (age, overall physical condition, genetics). A heart beat of 80 BPM or more (BPM stands for Beats Per Minute) can be treated as perfectly normal in some cases!