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Blood Sugar Defense-Brown sugar is no better than white sugar (and other food myths you believe)

by fiona basil (2021-03-22)

Many times we take for good beliefs that in reality they are not. A team of nutritionists debunks the main myths about food

In Spain we love popular sayings and beliefs, especially when it comes to food. They are myths that are passed on generation after generation but that, in reality, are not true.

To clear these doubts and not give you a hoot, we spoke withthe nutritionists of Nutritienda, to clarify what food myths are very popular and false:

1) "Brown sugar is better than white"

As we already know, it is not convenient to abuse sugar, since it is not good for health. That is why many people substitute white sugar for brown sugar because they think it is better, but is it really so?

Brown sugar is a type of sugar with a brown color that can be obtained in two ways: by mixing (it is obtained by mixing refined white sugar with molasses) or by crystallization (it is a process very similar to that of white sugar, although many think that it is more natural, the sugar must also be refined to get the brown).

Brown sugar has more minerals, but the proportion in which they are present is very small, so in the end they are nutritionally very similar

"If we compare them, brown sugar is 85-95% sucrose and white is 99%; the amount of minerals is higher in brown, but the proportion in which they are present is very small, so in the end nutritionally they are very similar, especially in the amounts that are usually sweetened, such as coffee, "say nutritionists.

In summary, "you have to avoid sugars as much as possible, and if you consume small amounts you have to consume the one you like the most, since there are not so many differences, but it is much better to replace it with honey or natural sweeteners such as erythritol, birch sugar (xylitol) and stevia. "

2) "Drinking water with meals makes you fat"

The belief that drinking water at meals makes you fat could come from alleged fluid retention, but is this really true?

The first thing to know is that water does not contain calories, so if it is taken before, during or after any meal, we will ingest zero calories. Based on this statement, it can be ensured that water is not fattening if it is taken during meals.

The ingestion of water during meals can reinforce the effects of a weight loss diet, since if you drink water it can make you eat less because you get full earlier

In addition, it is not true that it causes fluid retention, but quite the opposite: it stimulates the functioning of the kidneys and contributes to a good water balance. In fact, the intake of water during meals can reinforce the effects of a weight loss diet, since if you drink water it can make you eat less because it fills your stomach and causes you to be full earlier.

3) "Bread makes you fat"

Another popular belief is that bread is fattening, and according to experts it is not like this: " Bread is not fattening, or at least not in excess, since it is low in fat and rich in carbohydrates, so it is a good source of energy. "

Bread is not excessively caloric, but you have to avoid industrial breads and bet on artisan breads made with natural ferments and quality flours, especially rye.

4) "The juice loses vitamins after hours"

One of the favorite phrases of all mothers is "drink the juice quickly, the vitamins are gone!" What is true in here?

Vitamin C is water-soluble, that is, soluble in water, and it is not one of the most stable vitamins, because it is quickly oxidized by light or room temperature. Oxidation is the basis for this theory that "you lose vitamins", but this is not the case, since the substance that is generated with the oxidation of vitamin C is dehydroascorbic acid, which continues to have the same properties as vitamin C, so oxidation does not affect its properties.

You can drink the juice calmly without fear of losing vitamins, the only thing is that the flavor may vary slightly and become somewhat bitter

The juice could only lose them in extreme conditions such as if it is heated to 120º. So there is no need to worry, you can drink the juice with peace of mind without fear of losing vitamins, the only thing is that the taste may vary slightly and become somewhat bitter.

5) "Frozen vegetables lose their properties"

Frozen vegetables are fresh vegetables, harvested in season and rapidly subjected to a considerable drop in temperature until freezing is reached, when doing this process all their nutritional properties, vitamins and minerals are kept intact.

Deep freezing is a system that allows food to be frozen in a very short time below -20º and thus maintains the nutritional values and quality as those of the garden. By freezing they are always available, increases the shelf life and can be eaten out of season. It avoids the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, they do not have preservatives since the cold is their natural means of preservation, so the important thing is to consume vegetables for their nutritional contribution, whether fresh or frozen.

Many times we take for good beliefs that in reality they are not. A team of nutritionists debunks the main myths about food.

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