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Delta-8 THC Gummies-What foods to avoid if you have migraines?

by fiona basil (2021-07-05)

If you suffer from migraine symptoms, you know how debilitating it can be. A migraine causes everything from severe pain to nausea. These and other migraine symptoms can ruin your day, to say the least. For many people, a severe migraine causes more serious symptoms, such as vomiting. Many who suffer from this condition may be aware of common migraine symptoms, but may not be aware of common migraine causes.

What are the symptoms of migraine and ways to avoid it

The most common symptoms of a migraine include the following:

1. Severe or severe stabbing pain

This occurs on one or both sides of the head. However, most people have migraine pain on only one side of the head at a time.

2. Nausea

You may notice a loss of appetite or an upset stomach. In severe cases, there may be vomiting.

3. Increased sensitivity to sound and light

Loud television, even people's conversations can suddenly seem like too much to handle. If you can, hunker down in a dark room and turn off all sources of noise.

4. Irritability

You may find that your tolerance towards people and other external stimuli has greatly decreased.

5. Disturbed or blurred vision

You may see flashing lights or unusual shapes and lines. This is especially likely when an attack is just beginning.

6. Dizziness and tremors

This could be mild or severe, however, it should not be confused with vertigo.

7. Numbness or weakness in the facial or neck muscles

This could also manifest itself in pain. Neck discomfort can also occur in the upper part of the spine or in the discs that cushion the areas between the bones of the spine. Some say it feels like the migraine is at the base of the neck. Another report on migraine symptoms is that it seems to emanate from the neck to the head.

8. Increased thirst

Fluid disturbances such as increased thirst, fluid retention, and frequent urination are all migraine symptoms. You may also notice smells that are not really there.

9. Inability to concentrate

Migraines can make it difficult to focus on any given task. You may also have a hard time speaking normally or carrying on a conversation.

Migraine symptoms without headache

Sometimes symptoms other than a headache will manifest with a migraine. Usually this happens just before the pain hits. It is known as a silent migraine or an "aura." During the aura stage, some people may experience the aforementioned visual disturbances. They may also notice an approaching stomach ache.

According to the American Migraine Foundation, aura symptoms generally build up to the onslaught of pain. So they usually end once the headache starts. However, for some people, the aura stage can remain until the headache is gone.

Causes of migraine headaches

Migraines are caused by abnormal neurological events. These events are related to changes in blood flow, nerve signaling, and muscle functions.

Migraines are usually triggered by a number of different reasons, including:

symptoms of severe migraine

1. Increased inflammation

This affects normal blood flow, as well as the blood vessels leading to the brain. An anti-inflammatory diet can help combat this occurrence.

2. Changes in nerve signals and neurotransmitter levels

This is what causes pain. It has to do with low serotonin levels and changes in the trigeminal nerve, which releases substances called neuropeptides.

3. Stress

This includes feeling overly anxious, busy or rushed, and nervous. Many consider stress to be the most common migraine trigger.

4. Hormonal changes

This is sometimes caused by poor diet or another health condition, but it can also be from a woman's menstrual cycle.

5. Dysfunction in the brainstem

This is likely due to a past injury or illness. While it may not be able to help in this case, avoiding other migraine triggers, such as a poor diet and an unstable sleep schedule, can help decrease symptoms.

6. Lack of sleep

Make sure you get a full night's rest. Sleeping too much or too little can make migraine symptoms worse.

7. Reactions to medications

This includes those that affect nerves, hormones, and blood pressure. Some oral contraceptives can also cause or worsen migraines.

8. Genetics

Some research shows that between 70 and 90 percent of people with migraines have family members who also have them. Here's another one that can't be avoided, but avoiding triggers could help keep symptoms at bay.

Eating a low-fat, plant-based diet may help give the immune system a boost. The immune system relies on white blood cells that produce antibodies to combat bacteria, viruses, and other invaders. Vegetarians have been shown to have more effective white blood cells when compared to nonvegetarians, due to a high intake of vitamins and low intake of fat. Delta-8 THC Gummies