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Arctic Blast

by Alisa lisa Sophia (2019-03-30)

This can be a very debilitating condition, and should Arctic Blast Review be treated promptly if it occurs. It usually starts as a pain or ache near the front of the heel on the bottom of the foot. Typically it hurts the most in the morning, especially the day after a long or strenuous run workout. The foot is often referred to as one of the most dynamic body parts ever created. It needs to transform itself from being a "loose bag of bones" to absorb the huge forces created during walking and running to an extremely rigid lever that propels the body forward throughout every stride. As such, it is placed under enormous stress throughout the day, especially you are someone who is cranking out the running and cycling workouts like the typical triathlete these days. If the foot is not balanced throughout the stride, the dynamic forces placed upon it can accumulate quickly and cause an overload syndrome that ends up breaking down the connective tissue that supports the arch and controls pronation. A certain amount of pronation (the movement of the foot as pressures move obliquely from the outside of the heel on heel strike, to the big toe for toe off) is a good thing. However, too much pronation or pronation that happens too fast will cause a twisting force in the plantar fascia (that's the strong connective tissue that runs from the front part of your heel forward into your toes and helps maintain your arch) and the small muscles on the bottom your foot. The aforementioned torsional forces on the foot are not just the product of pronation in the foot. They are also created through excessive rotation in the hip. Weak hip muscles will allow the hip and knee to collapse inward quickly on every heel strike, and this forces the foot to pronate excessively as well. A mentor always told me, "Look to the hips if you want to fix the feet." He couldn't have been more right. The majority of treatment for plantar fasciitis needs to focus on addressing the causes of overpronation and abnormal hip biomechanics. An orthotic can be useful to artificially re-instate the arch and take the pressure off the plantar fascia.