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Memory Hack

by ss Daniel Kamesh kamesh (2019-04-09)

Research has shown Memory Hack Review that the right and left hemispheres of the brain have different functions. Also, both hemispheres interact when a normal healthy person learns. One section of the brain breaks up information into parts and the other looks at it as a whole or a series of wholes. This aspect of the brain is called the 'two brain' doctrine and a good learning model should take this into account. For example, in the learning of a language, it is the whole-language experiences of a child that is important, not components of it like grammar or vocabulary. This is because learning is cumulative and developmental and a certain time frame should be provided for the child to fully grasp what he or she has learnt. Every aspect of a language that is taught should be shown to be integrated, not separate items.Passion is a great tool when it comes to teaching and learning. Parents who show they are passionate about learning will usually have children who follow suit as they subconsciously become perfect role models for their children. Our enthusiasm is transferred to our children who automatically become enthusiastic in learning. Our genuine compassion and dedication cannot be faked. Children are very perceptive and can easily tell if we are genuinely concerned or not. As parents we should not just preach, we should walk the talk with our children. We need to play a more active part in inspiring our children to learn. To help parents who're unsure how they can help their children, I teach a popular course called Parenting Course through Subconscious Programming. This is a course for parents who want to learn how to be better parents, by understanding how the mind of their children works and how they can facilitate better communication and encourage their children to perform better. They also get to understand their children better. They learn that children's minds, just like ours, are processing information all the time. They try to make sense of what they have learnt; the brain remembers better when a person stores information that has some bearing on prior knowledge and actual experience. The brain takes a longer time to remember isolated bits of information. So, we cannot expect our children to memorize chunks of unrelated information.