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30×30 Total Transformation

by Alisa lisa Sophia (2019-04-12)

Sometimes, even in my workshops, I meet such people. 30×30 Total Transformation Review They ask me what is wrong with having a well-paid job that enables them to live in a nice house, drive a nice car and have two holidays per year. My answer if always the same: there is nothing wrong with it at all. If you are happy with your lot, then personal development does not have much to offer you because you are already what Abraham Maslow referred to as 'self-actualised'. There are people who work in quite humble occupations who are very happy indeed with where they are and how they are spending their time. But for other people, there is something that I can only describe as an inner emptiness, a longing and desire for a richer, more fulfilling life. Those are the people at whom my workshops and my writing are primarily directed. If you are engaged in improving your life, then you will hopefully have embraced the idea of continuous improvement; the idea that you always can analyse your own experience and identify ways you could have performed better. Then you can use those same insights to improve your performance in the future. It is an excellent approach and it works, but that's not what this post is about. I wanted to discuss the business of making a breakthrough; not a small improvement, but a big one. Over the past couple of months, this is exactly what I have been trying to do with my blog; something we discussed with the idea of 'playing in the bigger pond'. The biggest part of solving the problem of significant improvement is identifying the new, or changed, actions that need to be performed. Once you know what activity has the capacity to produce the results you want, then getting those results simply becomes a matter of effort. It is an interesting part of what makes us human that we seem to want a certain amount of excitement in our lives, but we also want to balance that need for excitement against the need to feel safe and secure. As a consequence, most of us, if we are really honest with ourselves, are perfectly happy right where we are. Sure, we may be a bit bored or we may feel that stimulation and excitement is notably absent in our lives, but then so too is risk. Someone once used the analogy of climbing a tree to describe their experience of life. Sadly, I cannot now remember who it was but, as I recall, he said that there are times when we manage to climb onto branches that seem very unsafe and we are so high that it feels as if we might lose our grip and fall to the ground at any time. Yet, looking back on our lives, those times were also the moments we felt most alive. When you think back to all the big things you have done in your life, the things that still give you a great deal of pleasure looking back on them now, the chances are that they involved doing something risky. Conversely, if you have never really taken any risks at all, then you may feel that you have not really lived yet. It is this lack of excitement in many people's lives that drives them to replace it with a kind of false risk-taking.