Reader Comments

The Complete Keto System EBook

by Ssregina Regina (2019-04-17)

White breads, pastas and rice- Whole The Complete Keto System EBook Review wheat has a higher fiber content and is far healthier than its bleached alternatives. The taste isn't quite as good but still great. I also make sure all cereals I eat are whole grain, but if you simply cant stand it start off by switching to multi-grain.Fries- At a restaurant ill usually sub out the fries for a baked potato or salad. If im at home however I will always make baked sweet potato fries instead of fried potatoes. Ill even throw in a favorite recipe of mine in the recipe section.Candy- Candy is one thing I have almost completely eliminated...but If you must have it try a dark chocolate bar which is actually healthy if consumed in small portions.Chips- try nuts instead they don't taste as good but they are a great snack and have many health benefitsWhite sugar- depending on what its used in you can sub it for brown cane sugar, or even honey..I try and stay away from artificial sweeteners though.Fried foods- dump these for grilled and baked foods. Baked chicken can be just as good as fried. Also if you must fry use the healthier of oils like canola or olive.Mayo- get lite mayo insteadSalt- try sea salt, just make sure you still get your necessary iodine from another source.Salad dressings- this is key because most people will get a salad fooling them into a false sense of eating something healthy. Sure by its self a salads great for you(without cheese and bacon) but if you pour a pack or two of ranch on it you actually turn you salad into a double whopper. Always try to use a low fat version of your favorite dressing. You don't have to go to fat free yet, which I don't because its horrible but always low fat.