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The Flat Belly Formula

by Ssregina Regina (2019-04-25)

But did you know that the reasons why most of The Flat Belly Formula Review us GET (and stay) fat has very little to do with food......?It's true...and in just about every study done, the real reasons people get fat are emotional in nature. People use food as a crutch, and as release valve when other areas of our lives feel too much to handle head on.The fact is, I've been there....and can tell you first hand that,.......It's often a "chicken and egg" dilemma. I feel heavy, and un-attractive, so I'm going to eat! In may ways, being overweight and struggling with it is the MOST irrational health malady we face. For example...MOST people who smoke cigarettes, when confronted with a diagnosis of lung cancer, are able to quit, often instantly. People who are lifelong sun worshippers, when faced with a potential scary growth on their skin, are able to stay out of the sun...and modify their desire to get a killer tan.But people who spend a lifetime being heavy....often deprive themselves of MANY of the joys of living, all while recognizing the very BEST years of their lives are passing before their eyes. (not to mention the knowledge that being overweight MAY be the #1 health hazard that we face, long term, as individuals)The key to losing weight, for me...and others who have an equal measure of life changing success, is.....Making a REAL decision to be healthy. Understanding that food is NOT a substitute for an absence of emotional gratification. (it actually makes it worse) Recognizing on an emotional, physical and SPIRITUAL level that you deserve to be happy. that you life has meaning. That you were put here for a purpose..and that selling yourself short, by abusing your physical body with food, is actually a choice that has all sorts of consequences. (physical...and spiritual alike)