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by gold stone (2019-04-27)

With the economic crisis Zen12 Review Chicken Little is running around screaming, "The Dow is falling, The Dow is falling." Fear is causing people to panic and the media feeds the panic. Fear keeps people in line and following the actions of those in charge. We must not give in to the fear. Remember that this too shall pass. Realize that you have a hand in controlling your destiny and that you will always have enough to survive.At this time do not make any quick decisions. If you want to do things well - take your time go slowly. Now is the time to get quiet within you by meditation or prayer and seek guidance from the Great Spirit. The more quiet you become the clearer you can see the big picture. Do not be controlled by the media, economy, government, or politicians. Go within and find the truth for yourself.Psychologists have known for a long time that those who write their goals on paper are much more likely to achieve them, and the more specific the goal, the more likely it will be achieved. Back in the late eighties I attended a course on personal growth where writing down your specific goals was a requirement for registration. (And indeed, I found that I had achieved my goals for that course soon afterwards, some even before the course began.) It was known back then that when you practiced this basic form of visualization and took to heart exactly what you wanted, your mind would come up with the ideas and the inspired actions to accomplish whatever you wanted.With the release of the DVD "The Secret" a couple of years ago, you are encouraged to create a "vision board"--a cork board or a poster on which photos and other visual reminders of what you want are posted. The idea is, photos help you visualize (and "attract") your goals better than plain words on paper. Taking this idea further still, you can go all out and spend money and lots of time making a "mind movie" project about your goals. An undertaking like a movie might help you visualize your goals better and perhaps motivate you more, but is visualization what really matters when it comes to results? When it comes to activating the magic of interconnectedness and the manifestation of your inner dreams, is visualization what's important?It forces you to think about and define your goal.For example, when I first received the idea to write a book, I spent a bit of time visualizing myself as an author (which, up until I actually held a completed manuscript in my hands, I wasn't). Months before I started writing my book, I had written in my journal many times, "I am preparing myself for inspiration..."