Reader Comments

No-BS Manifesting Course

by ss Daniel Kamesh kamesh (2019-04-30)

The resource No-BS Manifesting Course Review box is your "give" from the publisher. You must write a good enough article that will help enough people with a particular problem. The other option is you offer them some excellent information on a topic they are interested in, then you have a good chance of getting your article published. The resource box is an area that comes at the end of your article. Here you may give a little information about yourself, and you may put in your affiliate link. This will send the reader to the sales page of a product that hopefully is directly related to the topic you just wrote about. It really makes no sense writing about something totally different then the product that you are trying to sell. You should only chose affiliate programs, selling a product that you have plenty of knowledge about.There you have it, affiliate marketing in a nutshell. There is more that I could have gone into but I could literally write a few pages explaining every detail there is to know about affiliate marketing. This is a good basic start to a business venture that almost anyone could get involved with. Everyone has some special knowledge about something that they could share with others, and that is what affiliate marketing is all about.