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Backyard Revolution

by ss Daniel Kamesh kamesh (2019-05-02)

If biofuel is ever Backyard Revolution Review to become a true alternative to fossil fuels, a way is needed out of this quandary. One possibility is the use of algae as a biofuel foodstock. Algae have the advantage of being a non-food source which can be produced in areas not already being used to grow other types of food. Corn, soy and cottonseed must be grown on arable land. Algae can be grown in pools, in warm climates around the world, and acre per acre algae yield over a hundred times the quantity of biomass of soybeans.Since algae take in, rather than produce, carbon dioxide, the very foodstock being used to create biofuel can itself be a cause for a reduction in a significant greenhouse gas. Algae biofuel farms could therefore benefit from a dual income stream. The first is from the sale of the algae itself to refineries for the production of biofuel. The second is income generated from the use of the algae farm as a consumer of other forms of pollution.Some companies have recognized the benefit to poorer communities of developing the market for biofuels while at the same time encouraging the development of foodstock supplies such as algae farms. These companies are planning to encourage production of foodstock for biofuel in poorer countries to supply the energy needs of more developed areas of the world should raise everyone's quality of life, both in economic terms and in terms of encouraging a cleaner global environment.