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Lean Body Hacks

by Ssregina Regina (2019-05-03)

A lot of commercials on TV advertise Lean Body Hacks Review the electronic ab belt that are said to stimulate your abdominal muscles and burn flab abs without performing any exercise at all. There's even that infomercial I saw about an ab contour belt that claims that it would do 700 crunches in 10 minutes without doing any work.Latest electronic ab belt gimmicks In the commercial, there are people doing different ab exercises wrongly. The following scenes show men and women, smiling while using those electronic ab belt strapped around their stomachs. You really get tempted when you see those.Many people in these ads would rave about how they lost inches from their waist using products like these. Men with washboard abs say they achieved those rock hard midsections from using this device. The ab contour belt gives people the disillusion of ways on getting abs and losing belly fat. The mere strengthening of the abs (and machines cannot even do much about it) is not enough.What do you think is the reason for this? It is due to that fat. Think of a fat woman doing crunches all day. Yeah, her abs would get stronger and it will definitely tighten up, but still, there will be layers and layers of fat covering it. She won't get any thinner using the ab belt.The skin holds around 50 percent of fat underneath it. Want to know where the rest of it is? They're inside your muscles. Performing crunches alone will not get rid of this fat, and so will the electronic ab belt in these commercials.Burn your flab absThe most effective way of burning the flab around abs, arms, legs, and body is by performing a lot of cardiovascular exercises. A few examples of good cardio exercises are jogging, walking, bicycle, aerobics and high-activity sports such as tennis, basketball and racquetball. Any activity that brings your heart rate to the training zone, keeping it there for a minimum of twenty minutes conditions your heart and burns fat.