Reader Comments

Gaia's Protocol

by princy william (2019-05-07)

Men generally require more Gaia's Protocol Review magnesium than women. Very young children aged between 0 and 6 months need to consume 30mg of this macromineral per day. This RDA increases to 240mg for children aged between 9 and 13 years. Men aged 14 years and older are advised to consume between 400mg and 420mg of magnesium per day. Women within the same age range are advised to consume between 310mg and 360mg of magnesium per day. Pregnant women need even more magnesium and have an RDA of between 350mg and 400mg. The TUL for this macromineral is 1000mg per day. Not getting enough magnesium can lead to reduced blood levels of calcium and potassium, nausea, numbness and weakness. Overdosing on magnesium by exceeding the TUL can lead to diarrhea, fatigue and stomach cramps. Teenagers have the highest phosphorus requirement out of all age groups. The RDA for children aged between 0 and 6 months is 100mg. This requirement increases to 500mg per day for children aged between 4 and 8 years and then increases further to 1250mg per day for teenagers. Adults aged 19 years and older are advised to consume 700mg of phosphorus per day. The TUL for this macromineral is 4000mg per day. Failing to consume the RDA of phosphorus can lead to anemia (a low red blood cell count), an increased risk of infection and reduced energy levels. Consuming too much of this macromineral by exceeding the TUL can lead to calcification of the soft tissues (a condition where calcium is deposited on the soft tissues causing them to harden and stop functioning) and reduced mineral absorption. Your requirement for potassium increases with age. Very young children aged between 0 and 6 months need to consume just 400mg per day. This RDA increases to between 3.5g and 3.8g for children aged between 1 and 8 years. Fully grown adults aged 19 years and older need to consume 4.7g of potassium per day. At present there is no TUL for this macromineral. Not getting enough potassium can cause a number of negative symptoms including confusion, dry skin and thirst. Whilst there is no TUL for this macromineral consuming extremely high levels can have negative effects which include diarrhea, ulcers and vomiting.