Reader Comments

Brain C-13

by ss Daniel Kamesh kamesh (2019-05-10)

Rowing Machine for Fat Brain C-13 Review Burning and Core Strength: The rowing machine allows for a fantastic all body workout. If your gym has one, it's a fun way to get in some aerobic and resistance exercise in a single set.Dear, sophisticated Adam - such a careful and loving husband, and what a fine physician he is - always trying to do the best for people. Truly, he did think it best for me that dreary winter when he put me in the ward.I know he passionately adores me by the way he kisses my forehead with such tenderness! Yes, I do believe he loves me. Still, the ward was so confusing each day, and at night, the air was so heavy. There were bars on the windows. I suppose there was concern someone might jump to get away from the awful place. It was difficult for me to know that I couldn't leave, as the only way out was locked. The nurses and doctors came and went, Adam would visit, but I had to stay. I guess some would call it a lock-down unit. I really don't like that kind of talk-it sounds so melodramatic - a lock down unit. I just needed a rest... that's all, just a rest.