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by Alisa lisa Sophia (2019-05-16)

When you are doing all the right things you will LumaSlim began to see results. Most people are talking about belly fat when they talk about fat. But Most likely you will see lose of fat in your face first. Don't be discouraged because if you keep on track the rest of your body will follow. And you will feel better, look better, and live longer. When you are dieting, the thing that can really wreck a healthy eating plan is that awful feeling that comes over you to just grab a huge bag of potato chips and polish it off while watching your favorite sitcom. We have all been there before! There are things you can do to help yourself avoid the ugly urge to snack uncontrollably. Eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Plan to have healthy snacks throughout the day. Do not skip meals or planned snacks. Skipping nutritious foods will make you feel uncontrollably hungry! If you can, avoid purchasing any unhealthy snacks. There are so many "good-for-you" snacks on the market today, there is really no reason why you should have a cupboard full of ring-dings and cheese curls. Start learning to read the back of the packages of foods - look at the fat content - if it says that the fat content is over 5% per serving - look for a different snack. After gastric bypass surgery it is imperative to monitor what you take into your new, smaller stomach. Therefore, you will be given a post gastric bypass diet to follow, as recommended by your physician. It will be a four-stage diet and it is crucial that you follow the guidelines for each stage in order for your surgery to be and continue to be a success. Stage one of the diet consists, strictly, of clear liquids such as water and apple juice. Sugar free drinks such as diet soda are acceptable, as long as you allow them to become flat first. You may also snack on broths, or sugar-free gelatin. It is very important to start small, taking little sips and working up from there. Do not allow yourself to feel overly full. If you tolerate stage one for a day or two, you may go on to stage two, semi-clear liquids. Semi-clear liquids is stage two of the post-surgery diet and is similar to stage one in that is still liquid but uses items that can be thickened or thinned down to the consistency of watery mashed potatoes.