Reader Comments


by ss Daniel Kamesh kamesh (2019-05-20)

Jesus and many Lutazene others like him were crucified on crosses as a result of the delusions of the ignorant. Delusion is still rampant, hundreds and thousands of years later, seems we would be a bit more intelligent.Ignorance first needs to be for the most part annihilated in respect to associating with others, no matter who they are or where they are from, or what they do, or how smart or dumb others think someone is. In other words the ignorance of brilliance is the same as the ignorance of stupidity in many cases, yet the spiritual reality and the physics will always remain the same whether it is accepted or not.Love is meant to deliver us from this ignorance, love being the transporter which carries or true spirit from one life to the next. Physics screws up the spiritual aspect of this love in the fact of the physical representing love, instead of love representing the spirituality of the physical union of the female and male in the union of making love. In other words sex is not the true transporter of the spiritual, hence the lack of spirituality in only sexual unions, no matter who is having sex, which of course is part of reality yet at the same time why the sex between two of the same sex is so devastating to the spirituality of love as well as the emotional state of those involved in same sex unions, not to mention the excuses made for the behavior.