Reader Comments

Blood Balance Formula Reviews

by Alisa lisa Sophia (2019-05-20)

How do you think that this became one of my interests Blood Balance Formula Reviews which I chose to write about? No one is perfect and we all slip and slide. I do know enough to realize my faults and the shifts that need to be made. I know for a fact that the shift in thinking and reacting does work because it has worked for me on numerous occasions. I still am hit by many daily stresses and I adjust as I go along. It is a process and you have to be strong and focused on your goal of being happy. Sounds like a lot of work, right? Well, there is work involved but it is worth it and the goal is to turn this work into a habit that you do unconsciously with little or no thought. Sadness does come and you have to deal with it. Aside from chronic stress, let me say something about genuine sadness. Whether it be from the death of a loved one or some other tragedy like divorce or something traumatic. It is okay to be upset and to cry. Let it out. Don't hold it in. Converse with willing friends, and if you don't have them then contact a therapist or look online for a support group. There is no excuse in this "wired" day and age to suffer alone and without support. I can say from experience that I credit my ability to get beyond mourning some sort of a loss with ability to let it all out for a few hours or days and then the faculties return and clear thinking prevails. I know that everyone is different, but the support of sympathetic souls and the ability to let it all out can do wonders for your comeback powers. Another wonderful resource to reduce stress and immediately reduce the stress or "fight or flight" response is meditation with breathing exercises. This method has been scientifically and medically proven to work for reducing stress and even for reducing high blood pressure. I plan to write another article about this, but let me say here that being alone in a room and focusing on breathing slowly in and out, and reducing your breathing rate over the course of 20 minutes every day (the effect is cumulative) can result in a much less stressful lifestyle. There are products out there which combine the breathing cues with relaxing music and I highly recommend them.