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by ss Daniel Kamesh kamesh (2019-05-25)

For centuries, Numerologist Review Indonesian batik played an important role in the cultural and social life of its community; clothing kings and commoners alike; used in wedding ceremonies and rituals associated with the harvest; and cast into volcanoes to appease the gods. In the 1960s however, batik began to be associated with Indonesian nationalism. The batik shirt was popularized as a formal alternative to the Western-style suit for Indonesian men, as the newly independent nation tried to create a new identity and distance itself from the colonial regime. Batik lost popularity in the following decades as the country modernized and Western fashions became increasingly ubiquitous. However, around the turn of the new millennium, interest in batik was renewed, in part due to efforts by Indonesian fashion designers who incorporated innovative designs into traditional forms of clothing such as the kebaya. Batik is becoming increasingly more fashionable, particularly amongst the young, and is often worn instead of a Western suit at work or at wedding receptions. Following the UNESCO announcement in 2009, the Indonesian government encourages the wearing of batik in workplaces on Fridays. Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono often wears batik shirts, as do many other politicians and public figures, and Nelson Mandela, former President of South Africa is also fond of batik.