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by gold stone (2019-05-25)

With the economy the way it is The Backpack Electricity System Review today with many unemployed, many who may be facing unemployment, and trying to keep up with rising costs, it becomes even more important to cut costs wherever we can. Therefore, here are five tips you can use with or without the use of wind power to help cut costs year round.Whether you live in a mild climate and use your furnace more than the a/c or in a hot climate and use the a/c more than the furnace, it is important to have your a/c and furnace serviced once a year. Having the units serviced yearly can keep them running efficiently, saving money, and can keep them in good running condition prolonging their life, again, saving you money on a repair bill. On top of having your units serviced regularly, change the filter once a month, more frequently in dusty environments. A dirty filter, even if it is only partially dirty will make both the a/c and furnace work hard, wasting energy and money.Many people turn their thermostats for a/c in the summer off or way up, and the furnaces in the winter (normally) to an extremely low temperature. Doing this is fine if you do not go to extremes, turning the thermostat off or to extreme high or low temperature will cause your units to work twice as hard to cool or heat the house back to a comfortable level. A programmable thermostat is more affordable today then they were many years ago so, consider changing that old manual thermostat with a programmable one. Then program it to reasonable temperature that will not cause your units to run for excessive periods to bring the temperature back to a comfortable level.Seal air leaks by taking a trip to the hardware store and pick up caulk and outdoor outlet gaskets (the ones they use behind the outlet covers on outdoor outlets and switches) caulk around doors and windows. Then remove the covers on all the outlets and light switches located on outside walls, and then place a gasket over the outlet or switch then, reinstall the cover. Now take a sharp utility knife and carefully cut off the excess gasket that sticks out from under the cover (they are generally made of foam.)Fewer and fewer homes are built today with real wood burning fireplaces but, if you do have one and use it regularly in the winter, you should also have it and the chimney cleaned once a year. Burning wood can save a lot of money on heat bills in the winter but a heavy build up of creosote can cause chimney fires. If the chimney does not have a screen and cap on it, you should have one put on. Birds will sit on top of the chimney for the warmth, and then be overcome by the fumes, causing them die and fall into the chimney. This can cause smoke to back up into the house.