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The High Blood Pressure Program

by Alisa lisa Sophia (2019-05-27)

The science is now clear and for this reason the The High Blood Pressure Program Review American Heart Association recommends minimum intakes of omega 3 for all of us. As over 90 percent of us have dietary intakes of Omega3 fats that are inadequate we should all be taking notice of this advice, including anyone with hyperension. The question remains about the best way to increase your intake of omega 3. Fish is generally contaminated with mercury and the FDA recommends that we limit our intake for this reason. And fish is expensive. The good news is that it is perfectly possible and cost effective to take daily fish oil supplements. The best fish oil supplements are contamination free, though it is important to note that there are wide variations in the quality of various fish oil supplements and you should choose carefully. Do you know the relationship between niacin and cholesterol levels? The answer is that niacin is known to help lower cholesterol levels. It is also known as vitamin B3. However as there are many types and forms of niacin, which is the best niacin cholesterol lowering supplement? What are its benefits and what are its disadvantages? The first thing to know is the different forms of niacin that are just actually tagged as niacin. Its forms include the nicotinic acid, nicotinamide, and inositol hexaniacinate. Each form has different benefits and effects. Nicotinic acid lowers cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart attack. This comes in a number of types. On the other hand, nicotinamide is a product derived from nicotinic acid. And the last item I want to mention is inositol hexaniacinate which is another version of nicotinic acid which doesn't produce side effects. It is popular, but I would like to let you know that its effectiveness in reducing cholesterol is not proven. The nicotinic acid of niacin has forms that differ in release. The immediate release or IR type releases the acid directly into the blood. Because of its fast approach, it causes some side effects. Itching and flushing can be felt once the acid is released into the blood. The extended release or ER type is slower than the IR. Its side effects are not as abrupt as the IR type but it can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription. The last type is the sustained-release nicotinic acid which is put into the blood over a time period. Its side effects are not apparent compared to the other two but the risk of liver failure is high. It is available even without a doctor's prescription.