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Overnight Millionaire System

by princy william (2019-05-27)

We learn various things from various Overnight Millionaire System Review sources. We learn most of the things from our parents, elders, teachers and books. We may keep on learning throughout our life if we pay close attention to everything that happens in our lives and in the lives of others. Every type of learning helps us in making a model of the people and the world which enables us to deal with situations as with the knowledge we can predict their actions and even manipulate their actions. William Whewell, an English mathematician and philosopher said, "The hypotheses we accept ought to explain phenomena which we have observed. But they ought to do more than this: our hypotheses ought to foretell phenomena which have not yet been observed." There is always a danger in learning from any source. For example, if you learn from your parents and elders, you are at least a generation behind of your times. Your parents have made their theories based on their experience of life which started may be 25-40 years ago. Since we are living in the world which is changing very fast, most of such knowledge has already become outdated and useless. Learning from teacher is also not free from problems. They are hardly the most successful people of their generation and all thoughts of them are biased due to their failures in their life to reach on the top. Most teachers teach only the established theories that were discovered many centuries ago. Many of these theories have already become quite outdated. Even those theories which are relevant, it is not easy to learn to use them in real life situation. A blind observance of theory often leads the person to wrong directions and leads to frustration. Learning from life True knowledge can be acquired only if learn the art of learning from life which is the most current knowledge and never fails a person. Here the world is like a book while you act like your own teacher. Life teaches us new things every single day from our successes or failures. Every experience teaches you something. If you get what is predicted by your theory, you have learned a new theory else the theory is wrong and you must find another theory to predict the event. Thus gradually we keep on developing newer theories and modifying our old theories which helps us in predicting the world in the best manner.