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by gold stone (2019-05-27)

When The Venus Factor Review you decide you want to look different, it becomes very clear that being different starts with ACTING and THINKING differently. "I always attend holiday get-togethers with my mind pointed towards what I WANT (a firm, healthy body) instead of constantly focusing on all the food and drinks I can't have," one client explains. "I always spend a few minutes before I leave for the party reviewing my goals, looking at my goal picture and writing out the things that are important to me... like connecting with friends, or learning something new about someone. That way, the celebration is about enjoying the people around me as opposed to making the food and drinks the star of the show." A CLEAR PICTURE OF SUCCESS: "The night before a party or family gathering, I visualize myself sharing time with my friends without mindlessly eating and drinking everything in sight. I 'practice' the whole thing in my mind - from the time I walk in the door until I say 'Good Night.'" When you know you're facing a tempting situation, mentally rehearsing your success (as opposed to imagining yourself failing) will not only help you formulate alternative choices, it is one of the most powerful and often overlooked methods for maintaining control when you might otherwise just give in and go hog wild.THE RIGHT WORDS: Let's face it, it's tough enough to turn down pumpkin pie... but Aunt Frances' pumpkin pie? Ah... no way! Food prepared by family or friends is one of the sincerest offerings of love there is, which is why it's so hard to refuse without a fight. Here is a great win-win solution: Come to every celebration ready to say these words. "I can't wait to taste that pie, Aunt Frances... will you cut me a piece to take home so I can enjoy it later, when I'm not so full?" This way, you get to eat the pie (or not) on your own terms, without hurting anyone's feelings. A good rule of thumb is to give your aunt or friend a call the next day to say how much you appreciate the love and effort that went into preparing the dish, pie, cake, or cookies they made with you in mind. When you point your focus toward fulfilling this desire (the main thing folks want when they have prepared something special is to know that you love and appreciate their gesture) everyone wins!Dianne Orwig is a success coach, motivational speaker, fitness trainer, and founder of LivingFit Online, a fitness program that has helped thousands of men and women completely transform their bodies and live healthier, happier lives though her less-works-better approach.