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by gold stone (2019-05-27)

To wrap himself in humility Royal Numerology Review is the first thing Tiger Woods, or any of us for that matter, needs to do to fix his life. As Saint Jagat Singh states: Humility is the true sign of greatness. The branches of a tree laden with fruit bend low. So it is with the truly great.If Tiger decides not to revolutionize his life, his thoughts and behavior, then he will, no doubt, continue to become one of the endless numbers of souls Dr. Samuel Johnson referenced in his Vanity of Human Wishes:Based on the Chinese Lunar Calendar, the official Year of the Tiger will begin on 4 Feb 2010 at 0642hrs even though we celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year on 14 Feb 2010.This year is called the Metal Tiger (Geng Yin). Geng belongs to the element Metal while Yin belongs to the element Wood. This forms the Heavenly Stem Metal sitting on Earthly Branches Wood.So take note, any babies that are born on 4 Feb 2010 after 0642hrs onwards will be considered as babies Tiger. And they are metal Tiger, which is known as Geng Yin, Heavenly Stem Metal sitting on Earthly Branches Wood.From the above, we can see that Metal element is in conflict with the Wood Element. Nevertheless, Metal is able to overcome Wood. Hence, it suggests in the midst of challenges, there is always hope to overcome and succeed.Using the Flying star method, one of the Chinese Geomancy Forecasting Method, the annual flying star 8 resides in the Central Palace. Flying star 8 represents the Wealth Star arrives in this period. It suggests that despite challenges, there will be growth and stability in the economy in the coming year.Based on the analysis of the four pillars, another method for forecasting, the year of the tiger seems to show signs of recovery in many aspects such as the economy. Despite the signs of discoveries, it has dangers and challenges hidden.Of the beginning of spring last year, the four pillars is dominated by GOLD element, too much EARTH element and dominate GOLD, this makes the GOLD element weak, GOLD is buried in the thick soil [EARTH], indicates challenges in business.The beginning of spring this year, the four pillars are dominated by WOOD element, discloses WEALTH, indicating the overall wealth and prosperity has improved and is much better than previous year.But too much or excessive of WOOD is overwhelming indicates sign of "Grand Entry" but not do not truly supported by the real economy. This indicates more of a superficial growth.