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by gold stone (2019-05-29)

Fortunately, there is a new idea Smart Solar Box Review emerges on horizon. The idea to manipulate the effects of interactions between water and air driven by the most reliable and powerful forces. Thus, the outcomes will be an ample supply of electricity for us to use at no cost. It is completely "green energy".Common generators will require fuel before it can provide electricity. This method is expensive and can affect the environment. That is why renewable sources of energy are considered: water, heat from the earth, wind and sun are now considered as potential sources.But these sources of energy follow the same principle in creating power: energy is created when an external input is added. Wind, sun, heat and water are all external sources of electricity. Harnessing these sources can be very expensive because the available equipments are not pocket friendly. If you're looking for methods on how to generate cheap electricity, these options are possible but savings are only realized after years of use.One supply is slowly gaining popularity because it offers something unique yet as effective compared to natural resources. Instead of using an outside source, the natural component of the material is used to create internal resource. This material is the magnet and the natural component is the polarity created by this material. With the right set-up, electricity can be created which can continuously support electronic devices at home.The energy generated by magnetic power generator starts when two identical polarities are placed in proximity. Remember from your early science class where two magnets with "N" for North will not attract? The push made by these materials can become a good source. Since these two identical sides will continue to repel each other, it will continue to create needed power.There are many advantages one can gain when using this type of energy. Among them is the ability to create continuous electricity. Another advantage is the required equipment. The simplest set-up only require magnet wires, laminates and power supply that will receive the created friction made by the two magnets. Those who have developed this type of resource see a small but significant advantage when it comes to heat. Because there are little moving parts, there is no heat generated.We all know the problem with industry sector bubbles, and when they burst it effects us all. We remember all too well the Dot Com bubble burst that crushed Silicon Valley. The sector clearly got away from itself with massive runaway nonsense. People starting a website basically and taking it public and walking away along with their Vulture Capitalists with 10s if not 100s of millions of dollars only to do it again, and again, with no reality behind it.