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by princy william (2019-05-31)


If I had a nickel for every time NatureThin Review I heard some one say to me, "I just cant lose weight" or "Ive tried every thing, and nothing works", I could pay this country's national debt. So after I often ask, "Well what have you been doing?" And it almost never fails that I hear at least two, if not all of the following reasons why diets fail. So I've decided to make a list of the top 5 reasons why diets fail. If you have ever tried a diet that didn't seem to be working, or you hear the whole "I've tried everything, and nothing works." line all the time, then I can guarantee that you have done or witnessed these top 5 classic mistakes that almost everyone makes when dieting. Dieting myths are all over. Everyone has heard them, everything from "spot reduction" to people not eating anything at all trying to loose weight. There's only one problem with dieting myths, they are almost always 100% incorrect. Whenever dieting, you need to know exactly what your doing, and not just assuming what you heard was right and pursuing that route. Take time to educate yourself and learn all you can before pursuing diet of any kind. If not, then you have already failed long before you ever started. THR or Target Hart Rate, is probably one of the most commonly unheard of or unused piece of information about dieting/weight loss out there. I hear people all the time say things like "I just walked 3miles on the treadmill". Then I ask how long were you on the treadmill, and what do I hear? "oh, I don't know, 2hrs or so." The Target Heart Rate (THR), or Training Heart Rate, is a desired range of heart rate reached during aerobic exercise which enables one's heart and lungs to receive the most benefit from a workout. Most people think its the quantity of the workout but its actually the quality of a work out that is important. Getting your heart rate elevated to a level that your body is not use to, it the whole purpose of a cardiovascular workout. Which leads me to reason number 3. Sometimes, I'm astonished that most people I come in contact with hasn't the slightest clue as to how there body works and all the subtle signals your body sends out every single day. If you don't know what your body is doing or what it is going to do, it makes dieting very difficult and time consuming. Mainly because you have to spend a lot of time using the old "trial and error" method. And lets be honest, if your not seeing results, your going to get discouraged and quit. When in actuality all you had to do was tweak your what foods you were eating just a little bit here or there. So knowing how the body works is extremely important to a successful diet.