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by princy william (2019-05-15)

The key to survival is not LumaSlim using your autopilot, but having the presence of mind to be able to switch it off. You need to be able to think about the things that matter and give them proper attention. Like, for instance, your weight. Instead of ignoring it you have to pay attention to the fact that you're putting on weight. You have to start to think slim. Thinking slim is about paying yourself proper attention - looking after your body in every respect. Not imagining yourself as an overweight person, but as a slim person. When you do you will start to notice the habits that make you overweight. Being aware of what they are, you will be in a position to do something about it. Self-awareness is something that has to be worked at every day. The dividends from being self-aware enormous. Always remember to keep your autopilot is switched off. It will allow you to think Slim - and you'll be Slim. Wondering how on earth you can get rid of your stomach felt? Would you like to know some very useful information that will help you to make a real difference to your shape? Help you to make you look attractive and feel attractive. Unlike the Car Keys, Stomach Fat Is Something You Want To Lose Did you know that there was an enemy within? Did you know that there was something that was slowly and surely plotting your downfall? Well there is and it's called salt. We need salt, which is sometimes called sodium chloride, to survive. It's an essential electrolyte that carries the electrical impulses that control our bodily functions. Why is it now an enemy? It's not when it's in the right quantities, but it becomes really harmful to our health when we have far too much. Your daily salt intake should be 4 g per day and should certainly not exceed 6 g per day. Western diets commonly contain up to 12 g per day! Did you know that 80% of this excess salt comes from processed foods like bread, breakfast cereals, convenience meals and fast foods? High salt consumption is very, very dangerous and when you try to lose weight it's something you really need to reduce significantly. You could lose stomach fat more quickly than you think if you make sure that your recommended daily allowance of 4 g of salt is not exceeded. Why? Because high salt consumption also causes water retention. The evidence of this very often shows itself on your stomach. If you manage to beat the enemy you will be making a great step forward in significantly reducing your weight and your stomach fat in particular. Never forget the stomach fat is toxic fat. Different from all the other fat on your body, stomach fat contains inflammatory proteins that you need to avoid like the plague!