Reader Comments

Melaluna Sleep Aid

by Alisa lisa Sophia (2019-05-17)

A woman is not asking for rape, no matter what she wears. Melaluna Sleep Aid Why would a stay-at-home mother be asking for abuse just because she has no separate income? I realized that my thoughts may seem liberating and encouraging, but they are deeply rooted into victim-blaming. I am asking a woman to secure herself whether or not she can, rather than focusing on asking men to stop abusing their partners! This idea changed the way I see myself being currently unemployed. It made me see that maintaining a family was a valuable thing to do and that being secure in a relationship is not exclusive for financially capable women. It wasn't about me making peace with the choice of being a stay-at-home mother because I know I want something more. It is more about the fact that I will build my career and seize all opportunities I can get without stressing out or choosing the wrong path just to feel secure. I will do what is right for myself and my family at the appropriate time. I will not look at stay-at-home mothers as if they are in danger or under the control of their partners. I will, instead, blame any man I hear has abused his wife or cheated on her, rather than saying "I wish she has secured herself." I am also still with the idea of women securing themselves financially before settling down and realizing that kids are a huge change and expense that require much more preparation than women are usually told. Starting a family is a deal that both partners make together and each much put in their fair share. Whether a man is a breadwinner, stays at home or does a bit of both as the years go by, abuse and insecurity should stay out of the picture. Financial security should provide a woman with immunity against crisis and luxury in peaceful times, rather than be her ticket out of an abusive relationship, simply because men are not supposed to abuse! We've all been there. What if I do and... You fill in the blanks. When we say what if I do and... then we block our creativity. We allow our fears and worries to get the best of us. I have a friend that's about to embark on an extraordinary journey. Every day there's at least 15 obstacles that pop up and she says to me "what do I need to do about this or that?" Her worries and fears are almost costing her the next phase of her life. She's a strong woman of God so I know she'll make it but her questions and fears are what we all have. Some of us experience them and overcome them differently, but we all have them.