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by Ssregina Regina (2019-02-15)

You must have been very thrilled upon learning that Amazology Review you are pregnant. However, you must know that pregnancy, while indeed exciting, can also be very challenging. You have to take particular attention when it comes to the foods you eat, activities you do, and would you believe, even to the skin care products that you use! A common problem that develops or worsens during pregnancy is oily skin. It is quite understandable why pregnant women are prone to oily skin. You see during the period of pregnancy, there tends to be an over-secretion of the hormone androgen. While it may be a common occurrence, it is nonetheless essential that you know how to deal with it as it can cause you some discomfort. The first thing you may want to do under the circumstances is to consult a skin specialist or a dermatologist. Don't self-medicate, especially with acne medications, even those which you may already be u even before you got pregnant. You have to stay away from skin care products that contain Vitamin A and those that have antibiotic properties because these ingredients are known to cause birth problems. Don't use chemical-based exfoliants, either, especially not during the first trimester when your baby's organs are starting to develop. Moisturizing soaps should be avoided as well. Instead go for soaps that are gentle and non-drying. When looking for a product for your skin, choose those that are noncomedogenic, and natural, preferably organic. Make sure to use a sunscreen every time you go out in the sun. Then of course, you must drink lots of water. Remember that your requirement for fluids increases during pregnancy, so you need to drink more water than usual. When bathing, use lukewarm water, and don't stay long in the shower. Bathing with lukewarm water is a great way to refresh you without drying your skin anyhow. Have you ever wondered if natural wrinkle remedies would work to firm and smooth your skin? If you've tried any of the dozens of skin care products available to you it may seem you are unable to find an effective natural wrinkle cure. It's understandable you may not have seen a big wrinkle reduction with some of your products. After all, you can't rely on fancy packaging to let you know the best natural wrinkle remedies. You actually have to know which natural anti-wrinkle ingredients to look for in your skin care. And, if you don't know, you can end up wasting your money on cheap filler ingredients. Did you know there's no regulation a company has to pass before they can slap "natural" on their skin creams? So, really, anyone can call their products "natural" even if they have a lot of chemicals in them. You do have to know what to look for. Luckily, it's not difficult to learn some of the best natural wrinkle remedies. What you want to look for are natural wrinkle cures like Active Manuka Honey, Phytessence Wakame and Vitamin E.