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Effective Communication

by isbella isla (2019-01-21)

In today's busy, fast-paced and demanding world, Effective Communication even the best leaders have to work to stay in tune to indicators that let them know when they might be getting "out of balance". There are signs that indicate a lack of balance or disengagement. If you want to stay a top performer, you have to be aware of your signs and work to maintain balance.Every year, large numbers of people, either, are elected, selected/ appointed, and/ or ascend to positions of leadership, and, although, they hold some office/ position, only a very small percentage, actually end up being real leaders, and, even fewer, SPECIAL ones. In this era, when so many groups, seem to be struggling to be relevant and sustainable, we are also witnessing, a somewhat, unheard - of, period, with a dearth of genuine leaders! With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, review, examine, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, some of the qualities, assets, and abilities, that might differential between these special individuals, and the rest - of - the pack.Have you attended, two different events, held by different organizations, with somewhat similar purposes, and/ or goals, and, one, seemed to be far better organized, and enjoyable, than the other? Many organizations seem, to have the mistaken idea, the chairman of an event, does not necessarily, need to be a leader! However, the reality is, since making something, which usually has many details, and necessities, come off, as you hope, requires not only a superior, capable chair, but a quality, supporting cast. It is this reality, which clearly points to, the fact, event planners must also be effective leaders, in order to clearly articulate goals and priorities, and inspire and motivate others, to care more, and become involved, and committed, to a greater degree! With that in mind, this article will attempt to identify, review, consider, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, how to more effectively, PLAN better events.Real leaders must be able to expand the restrictions of their personal comfort zones, and become comfortable with taking relevant, sustainable actions, while, pseudo - leaders, are, generally, either, unable, or unwilling, to do so! If you are somewhat, shy, and hope to remain that way, leading is probably, not, for you! There is no place for TIMID leadership, because a leader, will, generally, face several obstacles, and, only, those who consider these, challenges, to overcome, rather than problems, will make a difference, for the better! With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly, consider, examine, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, some of the reasons, this matters.Why is it, so many, either ascend to, or are elected or selected to, positions of leadership, while so very few, actually become meaningful, effective, relevant, significant and sustainable leaders? Once you've decided, leading, is, for you, do you seek, to merely serve in some position, and behave as a pseudo - leader, or, do you wish to become the FINEST, possible, leader? After, over 4 decades of identifying, qualifying, training, developing, and consulting to, over a thousand, actual, and/ or potential leaders, as well as having served, on several occasion, as a leader for groups, of several sizes, and missions, I have come to strongly believe, one only becomes a real leader, when, and if, he truly, wants to be so, and is willing to proceed, with the necessary, high degree of commitment, training, and maintaining, consistently, a positive, can - do, attitude. With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly, review, consider, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, some of the necessities.