Reader Comments


by Clara robert (2019-01-24)

Non clinical weight reductionThyromine Review programs are where counselors work together to help a person lose weight. It is important to note that these counselors may or may not have training in the areas of diet and exercise. These type of programs may also use pamphlets and books that are prepared by health care professionals. Non-clinical programs may also require that people take supplements along with their diet and exercise regime. Jenny Craig is an example of a non-clinical program.Clinical programs Patients are supervised by a licensed health care provider during a clinical weight loss program. Three examples of clinical weight loss programs include: very low -calorie diets, weight loss drugs and surgery. Very low-calorie diets have to be followed under the supervision of a health care provider because they can cause serious side effects. A person who is on a low-calorie diet usually consumes less than 800 calories per day.A health care provider may also recommend that a person take weight loss drugs. There are a number of drugs on the market that can help burn fat and speed up the metabolism. These type of drugs can only be prescribed by a licensed health care provider and are not approved for long-term use.