Reader Comments

Ted's woodworking

by gold stone (2019-02-21)

Word of mouth recommendations Ted's woodworking Review are always a good start. Ask friends, family members, and even coworkers for recommendations. If you don't know anyone who has had the need of a mold inspection before, make sure you ask the contractor for references. It's usually not a good sign if the contractor doesn't have any to offer.After you've hired the inspector be prepared to allow them to check out the areas in your home or place of business where mold likes to hang out. He or she will usually have special equipment that will help identify potential mold problems and the most common places that will be checked include basements, kitchens, bathrooms, crawl spaces, and attics. Mold can be found anywhere moisture happens to occur.Another common thing for mold inspectors to do is perform an indoor vs. outdoor spore count. This will help them determine whether the amount of mold spores inside the home or business is significantly higher than those on the outside.Indoor air samplings and visible growth tests may also be conducted to see if there is a mold problem as well as the specific type of mold problem you're facing.Once the usual suspect areas have been identified and tested it is likely that the inspector will be able to provide you with information on the cause of your mold problem. Since moisture is a necessity for a thriving mold infestation look for a primary culprit to be a leaky roof, busted pipe, plumbing issues, or humidity related in nature.Once the investigation is complete the inspector should be able to help you come up with a plan of action to stop the problem and, potentially, repair the damage.