Vol 9, No 2 (2016)

Table of Contents


Cover PDF


The WMA Declaration of Taipei: Human databases and biobanks for the common good PDF
Ames Dhai 50


Contents PDF


Harm to patients and others caused by impaired junior doctors compelled to work 30-hour shifts or longer: Can the minister of health, provincial MECs for health and public health officials be held liable? PDF
David Jan McQuoid-Mason 52
HIV, trauma and the emergency departments: The CDC opt-out approach should be adopted in South Africa PDF
Timothy Craig Hardcastle, Bhakti Hansoti 57
Reproductive autonomy: A case study PDF
David R Hall, Anton A van Niekerk 61
Knowledge and attitude of postgraduate students in Kenya on ethics in mental health research PDF
Beatrice Amagune, G C Verster 65
What changes are there in decisions by the Wits Human Research Ethics Committee (Medical) and in process errors by research applicants between 2003 and 2015? PDF
Peter Cleaton-Jones 69
The right to physical integrity and informed refusal: Just how far does a patient’s right to refuse medical treatment go? PDF
Annelize Nienaber, Kirsten Nicole Bailey 73
A critical review of health research ethical guidelines regarding caregiver consent for HIV research involving minors in South Africa: Ethical and legal issues PDF
Eshetu Bekle Worku, Arlene M Davis, Brenda Morrow 78
Enhanced REC collaborative review through videoconferencing PDF
Richard Waddell, Daima Bukini, Muhsin Aboud, Susan Adams, Eligius Lyamuya, Joyce Masalu, Elizabeth Bankert, Lorri Wettemann 84
Climate change in Africa and the Middle East in light of health, ubuntu and Islam PDF
Thaddeus Metz 88

Book reviews

Balanced Ethics Review: A Guide for Institutional Review Board Members PDF
Ames Dhai 93
Bioethical Insights into Values and Policy: Climate Change and Health PDF
Ames Dhai 94

CPD questions

CPD questionnaire PDF