Vol 13, No 1 (2020)

Table of Contents


Cover PDF


Contents PDF


The need to invest in pandemic preparedness: COVID-19 is not the first pandemic, nor will it be the last PDF
Ames Dhai 3-4

Letter to editor

What should referring doctors do if there is a delay in receiving COVID-19 test results and specialists require them for proper treatment of patients referred to them? PDF
David Jan McQuoid-Mason 5-6


COVID-19 and its impact on informed consent: What should health professionals tell their patients or their proxies? PDF
D J McQuoid-Mason 7-10
COVID-19: May healthcare practitioners ethically and legally refuse to work at hospitals and health establishments where frontline employees are not provided with personal protective equipment? PDF
D J McQuoid-Mason 11-14


Contact tracing during the COVID-19 pandemic: Protection of personal information in South Africa PDF
I M Viljoen, C de V Castelyn, A Pope, M Botes, M S Pepper 15-20


COVID-19: Mental health and clinical equipoise in the face of moral injury PDF
C Grobler 21-22
Ethicolegal issues relating to the South African government’s response to COVID-19 PDF
M Labuschaigne 23-28
Consent in health research with incapacitated adults in a time of pandemic: The National Health Research Ethics Council needs to urgently reassess its guidelines PDF
C Stein, A Dhai 29-33
Non-consensual disclosure of infectious drug resistant tuberculosis status in the occupational context: Health workers stuck between a rock and a hard place PDF
C Nnaji, S Adams, L London 34-42
Conceptualising disability: Health and legal perspectives related to psychosocial disability and work PDF
L Van Niekerk, D Casteleijn, A Govindjee, W Holness, J Oberholster, C Grobler 43-51
Ethical practice in the nursing profession: A normative analysis PDF
J M Mathibe-Neke 52-56
Is intentional publishing in predatory journals a form of scientific misconduct? PDF
C Stein 57-61
A critical review of the ethical and legal issues in human germline gene editing: Considering human rights and a call for an African perspective PDF
B Shozi 62-67
Moral challenges in handling pregnant school adolescents in Tanga municipality, Tanzania PDF
S S Mkumbugo, J E Shayo, D Mloka 68-72

CPD questions

CPD questionnaire PDF